Fascinating data from the BLS on which jobs have the greatest share of a particular gender or race. The following two charts are from the WSJ article I linked. I never would have guessed that speech-language pathologists (women), property appraisers (white), postal service workers (black), or medical scientists (Asian) would have such a preponderance of a particular group.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics each year publishes data looking at the gender and racial composition of hundreds of occupations, offering a snapshot of how workers sort themselves into many of the most important jobs in the country.
There are sociology textbooks’ worth of explanations for these numbers. One clear conclusion: Many occupations skew heavily toward one gender or race, leading to a workforce where 96.7% of preschool and kindergarten teachers are women, two-thirds of manicurists and pedicurists are Asian, and 92.4% of pilots and flight engineers are white.

40% of Lawyers Are Women. 7% Are Black. America’s Workforce in Charts
Lauren Weber & Stephanie Stamm | WSJ