Tag: climatetech

  • The Challenge of Capacity

    The rise of Asia as a force to be reckoned with in large scale manufacturing of critical components like batteries, solar panels, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and semiconductors has left US and European governments seeking to catch up with a bit of a dilemma.

    These activities largely moved to Asia because financially-motivated management teams in the West (correctly) recognized that:

    • they were low return in a conventional financial sense (require tremendous investment and maintenance)
    • most of these had a heavy labor component (and higher wages in the US/European meant US/European firms were at a cost disadvantage)
    • these activities tend to benefit from economies of scale and regional industrial ecosystems, so it makes sense for an industry to have fewer and larger suppliers
    • much of the value was concentrated in design and customer relationship, activities the Western companies would retain

    What the companies failed to take into account was the speed at which Asian companies like WuXi, TSMC, Samsung, LG, CATL, Trina, Tongwei, and many others would consolidate (usually with government support), ultimately “graduating” into dominant positions with real market leverage and with the profitability to invest into the higher value activities that were previously the sole domain of Western industry.

    Now, scrambling to reposition themselves closer to the forefront in some of these critical industries, these governments have tried to kickstart domestic efforts, only to face the economic realities that led to the outsourcing to begin with.

    Northvolt, a major European effort to produce advanced batteries in Europe, is one example of this. Despite raising tremendous private capital and securing European government support, the company filed for bankruptcy a few days ago.

    While much hand-wringing is happening in climate-tech circles, I take a different view: this should really not come as a surprise. Battery manufacturing (like semiconductor, solar, pharmaceutical, etc) requires huge amounts of capital and painstaking trial-and-error to perfect operations, just to produce products that are steadily dropping in price over the long-term. It’s fundamentally a difficult and not-very-rewarding endeavor. And it’s for that reason that the West “gave up” on these years ago.

    But if US and European industrial policy is to be taken seriously here, the respective governments need to internalize that reality and be committed for the long haul. The idea that what these Asian companies are doing is “easily replicated” is simply not true, and the question is not if but when will the next recipient of government support fall into dire straits.

  • Store all the things: clean electricity means thermal energy storage boom

    Thermal energy storage has been a difficult place for climatetech in years past. The low cost of fossil fuels (the source for vast majority of high temperature industrial heat to date) and the failure of large scale solar thermal power plants to compete with the rapidly scaling solar photovoltaic industry made thermal storage feel like, at best, a market reserved for niche applications with unique fossil fuel price dynamics. This is despite some incredibly cool (dad-joke intended 🔥🥵🤓) technological ingenuity in the space.

    But, in a classic case of how cheap universal inputs change market dynamics, the plummeting cost and soaring availability of renewable electricity and the growing desire for industrial companies to get “clean” sources of industrial heat has resulted in almost a renaissance for the space as this Canary Media article (with a very nice table of thermal energy startups) points out.

    With cheap renewables (especially if the price varies), companies can buy electricity at low (sometimes near-zero if in the middle of a sunny and windy day) prices, convert that to high-temperature heat with an electric furnace, and store it for use later.

    While the devil’s in the details, in particular the round trip energy efficiency (how much energy you can get out versus what you put in), the delivered heat temperature range and rate (how hot and how much power), and, of course, the cost of the system, technologies like this could represent a key technology to green sectors of the economy that would otherwise be extremely difficult to lower carbon output for.